
  1. 2. What respiratory center that has 2 respiratory groups (DRG and VRG)
  2. 7. Which lung is smaller?
  3. 10. Fill in the blank: peripheral ___ maintain cardiorespiratory homeostasis
  4. 12. What physical feature is noticed in hemoglobin in those with sickle cell anemia?
  5. 13. What air composition contains 75% N2, 14% O2, 5% CO2, and 6% H2O?
  6. 14. Inflatable sacs that function in gas exchange
  7. 16. What is the volume of air that remain in the lungs even after forceful expiration called?
  8. 18. What nerve controls your diaphragm and intercostal muscles?
  9. 19. Muscle that contracts then relaxes during inhalation/exhalation
  10. 20. Fill in the blank: pulmonary ___ is a mixture of protein and lipids and is produced by Type II alveolar cells
  11. 21. The primary functions is to allow inspired and expired air in/out of the lung
  12. 23. Low/shallow breathing. Result: decreased PCO2 and respiratory alkalosis
  13. 25. Tiny branch of air tubes in lungs that contain smooth muscle
  14. 26. Fill in the blank: the ribs __ when the diaphragm contracts
  1. 1. Rapid/deep breathing. Result: increased PCO2 and respiratory acidosis
  2. 3. What kind of recoil do lungs have?
  3. 4. Closed double-wall sac separating lung from thoracic wall
  4. 5. High surface area to volume ratio; facilitate exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood and air in lung's alveoli
  5. 6. What type of ventilation follows this calculation? tidal volume x respiratory rate
  6. 8. Transporting O2 in the blood
  7. 9. What law follows P1V1 = P2V2?
  8. 11. What other feature does carbon monoxide have besides being colorless making it hard to detect without CO detectors?
  9. 15. Force expended by gases in pleural cavity
  10. 17. General function is the exchange of O2 and CO2
  11. 22. Force expended by gases within the alveoli (pressure)
  12. 24. The inward shift of what ion happens in exchange of HCO3- efflux from RBC