- 4. towards the head
- 6. towards the tail
- 9. slow breathing
- 10. prefix for 1 billionth
- 13. middle section of thoracic cavity
- 16. how many pairs of floating ribs are there?
- 17. head lower than body (position)
- 1. “throat”
- 2. how many pairs of true ribs are there?
- 3. hypoxia that occurs from cyanide
- 5. only complete cartilage ring in larynx
- 7. microbes that grow without O2
- 8. normal breathing
- 9. (law) pressure and volume are inversely related
- 11. disease transmitting organism
- 12. frontal plane (anatomy)
- 14. perfusion without ventilation
- 15. “root” of the lung