
  1. 1. Breathing in is called ___. For air to flow into the lungs, alveolar pressure must become lower than atmospheric pressure. This condition is
  2. 3. Routes air into the rest of the airways and food into the esophagus
  3. 4. The __ ventilation is the total volume of air inspired and expired each minute. This is the tidal volume multiplied by respiratory rate.
  4. 7. The space within the nose is called the _ _
  5. 9. The ____ zone is the part of the respiratory system from the nose to the terminal bronchioles.
  6. 10. The exchange of O2 and Co2 between the air spaces in the lungs and the blood takes place by diffusion across the alveolar and capillary walls, which together forms the respiratory ____.
  7. 11. Breathing out is callec ___, and is due to a pressure gradient. Alveolar pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.
  8. 13. The___ zone is the part of the respiratory system that contains alveoli
  9. 14. Type ___ alveolar cells form a nearly continuous lining of the alveolar wall, and are the main sites of gas exchange
  1. 2. Included in the alveolar fluid is ___, which is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins.
  2. 4. The term ___ Escalator refers to the movement of mucus along the respiratory tract toward the pharynx
  3. 5. The passageway for air and food and serves as a resonating chamber for speech sounds.
  4. 6. The respiratory ___ produces mucus that traps particles and lubricates the airways
  5. 8. There are three pressures that are important to ___. Atmospheric pressure, alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure
  6. 12. Type ___ alveolar cells, secrete alveolar fluid, which keeps the surface between the cells and the air moist.