Respiratory Anatomy

  1. 3. (Lower) The structure of the bronchi that continually gets smaller and branches off.
  2. 6. (Lower) Tubes which branch at the bottom of the trachea and go to each lung.
  3. 8. (Upper) Air-filled spaces connected to the nasal passages.
  4. 10. (Lower) The smallest component of the bronchial tree.
  5. 11. (Lower) Smooth muscle that regulates breathing in mammals and separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity.
  6. 13. (Lower) Windpipe, made of cartilaginous rings that keep the tube open all the time.
  1. 1. (Upper) Passageway where the nose and mouth meet.
  2. 2. (Upper) Cells that line the respiratory tract and secrete mucus.
  3. 4. (Upper) Flap of skin that covers the larynx during swallowing.
  4. 5. (Lower) The grapelike air sacs at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchange occurs.
  5. 7. (Lower) Lobed organ that is spongy in nature and fills the thoracic cavity when fully expanded.
  6. 9. (Upper) Microscopic hairs that line nasal passages to filter out dust and particulates.
  7. 12. (Upper) The vocal cords are contained here, allowing animals to make sounds.