Respiratory and Circulatory System

  1. 3. Receiving chamber of the heart
  2. 4. Carries blood to the heart
  3. 6. Respiration responsible for exchange of gases from the external environment to the lungs
  4. 8. Pumping chamber of the heart
  5. 10. Side of the heart that pumps deoxygenated blood
  6. 11. Flap like tissue that closes when we swallow
  7. 15. Respiration responsible for exchange of gases from the lungs to the blood
  8. 18. Carries the blood away from the heart
  9. 21. The largest artery that delivers blood to all parts of the body
  10. 22. Membrane covering the heart
  11. 24. Exchange of gases happens here
  12. 25. Ring like cartilage that stretches when we shout
  1. 1. Enters the respiratory system through the mouth and the nose
  2. 2. The smallest blood vessel
  3. 4. Prevents back flowing of the blood and leads it in one direction
  4. 5. Wall between the left and right atrium
  5. 7. Clearing of your throat
  6. 9. Only muscle that doesn't stop working
  7. 12. Passage way of both food and air
  8. 13. Also known as the voice box
  9. 14. Muscle that helps us in breathing process
  10. 16. Complete ventilation of the lungs
  11. 17. Side of the heart that pumps oxygenated blood
  12. 19. Membrane covering the lungs
  13. 20. system that is the life support structure that nourishes your cells with nutrients from the food you eat and oxygen from the air that you breath
  14. 22. Artery that leads the blood to the lungs
  15. 23. Spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm