Respiratory and Circulatory System

  1. 1. the only organ that can float on water
  2. 3. the larger lung
  3. 5. a tube that connects the pharynx and the larynx to the lungs
  4. 6. river of life
  5. 9. biological system that allows gas exchange
  6. 10. the _______ system carries oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body
  7. 11. gender that generally have more blood
  8. 12. A progressive disease that makes it hard to breath
  9. 14. a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells in the blood
  1. 2. horses only breath through their noses
  2. 4. rare bleeding disorder which blood does not clot normally
  3. 5. Potentially serious disease that mainly affects your lungs
  4. 7. When poor blood flow affects the brain results to death
  5. 8. hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs
  6. 13. main organ of the circulatory system