Respiratory and Immune Systems Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The tube that carries air from the nose to the lungs.
  2. 8. This is usually an injection (shot) that contains a little amount of a virus to help your body develop antibodies so that you are immune from catching the virus later.
  3. 9. Chicken pox, measles, and the flu are examples of ____________.
  4. 10. The organ that cleans out old cells from blood.
  5. 11. Small hairs in your respiratory system that help trap dust and dirt.
  6. 12. Muscle underneath your lungs that helps with breathing.
  7. 13. Two large, spongy organs in your chest that help you breathe.
  1. 1. a type of pathogen that can be killed by antibiotics
  2. 3. Tiny sacs at the end of your bronchial tubes that help put oxygen in the blood.
  3. 4. When you are sick, white blood cells create ________ to fight the infection.
  4. 5. ________ flush germs out of our eyes.
  5. 6. Name of the body system responsible for breathing.
  6. 7. Largest organ of the immune system.