Respiratory Care

  1. 4. on the side
  2. 6. it is in air
  3. 7. microscopic projections that look like hair
  4. 10. what are you studying
  5. 12. the major machine you learn
  6. 13. organ of respiration
  7. 14. it is next your food pipe
  8. 16. left side of lung
  9. 17. it should be 2cm below
  10. 18. above
  11. 19. air moving in and out
  12. 20. you have five of them
  1. 1. bottom layer
  2. 2. carries oxygenated blood
  3. 3. can be seen in CHF
  4. 5. behind
  5. 8. slimy substance
  6. 9. air moving in and out
  7. 11. what is the system you are studyning
  8. 13. voice box
  9. 15. it beats
  10. 19. it carries oxygen