Respiratory Crossword

  1. 4. The gasses exchange in your lungs through a process known as simple ____
  2. 5. Slippery sticky substance that helps moisten and protect your respiratory system.
  3. 8. Muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that's expansion & contraction enables breathing
  4. 11. Gas humans need to intake for muscle function and basic survival.
  5. 12. Aka "Voice box" Connects the larynx to the bronchi and transports air.
  6. 14. Flap in your throat that keeps food/solids out of your trachea.
  7. 15. Respiratory condition when air-sacs fill up with fluid.
  8. 17. Blood vessels that wall the alveoli
  9. 19. Largest organ in the respiratory system (You have 2 of them)
  10. 20. These blood cells transport oxygen & carbon dioxide
  11. 21. The Nasal _____ sits right behind your nose and helps moisten air you breathe
  12. 22. 1 of 2 entrances/exits for air in your nose.
  13. 24. These inside your nose help filter out dust/debris.
  1. 1. The ____ vein & artery carry oxygen to & from the heart to be oxygenated by the lungs.
  2. 2. Common respiratory of airway narrowing/inflammation.
  3. 3. Lung ____ is the maximum volume of air your lungs can take in
  4. 4. Carbon ____ is the gas humans exhale as a byproduct of respiration.
  5. 6. The smaller branch-like air passages inside your lungs.
  6. 7. Aka "the throat" is an air passageway and also used for swallowing food.
  7. 9. Fastest way for your body to intake the largest amount of air.
  8. 10. Respiratory virus that was responsible for the pandemic in 2020.
  9. 13. ____ exercise is when your muscles use oxygen as the primary source of energy (like when you jog!)
  10. 16. 2 tubes that connect your trachea to each lung
  11. 18. Small air-like sacs where gas exchange occurs
  12. 21. Sudden expulsion of air due to throat irritation.
  13. 23. Aka "The windpipe"