Respiratory Medical Terms

  1. 3. spir/o/meter, instrument used to measure breathing (lung volume)
  2. 4. trache/o/plasty, surgical repair of the trachea
  3. 10. pneum/o/thorax, air in the chest cavity
  4. 11. windpipe
  5. 12. bronch/o/scopy, visual examination of the bronchi
  6. 16. of or pertaining to the pharynx
  7. 17. of or pertaining to the tonsils
  8. 18. rhin/itis, inflammation of the nose
  9. 21. of or pertaining to the nose
  10. 22. pleur/itis, inflammation of the pleura
  11. 23. partition separating the thorax from the abdomen
  12. 26. of or pertaining to the adenoids
  13. 27. oval-shaped mass of lymphatic tissue
  14. 29. of or pertaining to the larynx
  15. 30. large air passages of the lungs
  16. 31. dividing wall or partition
  17. 32. flap of cartilage located at the base of the tongue
  1. 1. thorac/o/tomy, incision into the chest cavity
  2. 2. normal breathing
  3. 5. lob/ectomy, excision of the lobe(s)
  4. 6. hyper/capn/ia, condition of excessive carbon dioxide levels in the blood
  5. 7. radi/o/graphy, process of recording x-rays
  6. 8. hollow cavity within a bone
  7. 9. tachy/pnea, rapid breathing
  8. 13. part of the throat behind the mouth and nasal cavity
  9. 14. son/o/graphy, process of recording sound
  10. 15. pulmon/ary, pertaining to the lung(s)
  11. 19. sept/o/plasty, surgical repair of the septum
  12. 20. a/pnea, absence of breathing
  13. 24. hyp/ox/emia, condition of deficient oxygen
  14. 25. orth/o/pnea, breathing is easier in a straight position
  15. 28. incision into the pharynx