Respiratory Puzzle

  1. 1. continuous positive airway pressure
  2. 5. smell
  3. 8. painful;difficult
  4. 13. tissue
  5. 15. drug that fights or prevents bacterial infections
  6. 16. temporary interruption of breathing
  7. 17. vessel (blood)
  8. 18. drug that loosens mucus
  9. 19. emergency room
  10. 20. measure blood oxygen level
  1. 2. voice
  2. 3. difficult or painful breathing
  3. 4. major organs of the respiratory system
  4. 6. trachea professional
  5. 7. pus
  6. 9. measurement of air capacity in the lungs
  7. 10. blue
  8. 11. throat
  9. 12. in;within
  10. 14. windpipe