Respiratory System Crossword Puzzle 1

  1. 7. The ______ fold is the part of the folded region of the glottis composed of mucous membrane; supports the epiglottis during swallowing
  2. 11. The _____ bone is the bone of the skull that lies under the root and bridge of the nose and is connected to the frontal and maxillary bones
  3. 12. The ______ center are the network of neurons within the pons that inhibit the activity of the neurons in the dorsal respiratory group; controls rate of breathing
  4. 14. The ____ tonsil is the lymphoid tissue located at the base of the tongue
  5. 15. The ____ bud is the structure in the developing embryo that forms when the laryngotracheal bud extends and branches to form two bulbous structures
  6. 16. bronchodilation ______ in the size of the bronchiole due to contraction of the muscular wall
  7. 19. Tube composed of cartilaginous rings and supporting tissue that connects the lung bronchi and the larynx; provides a route for air to enter and exit the lung
  8. 21. Opening between the vocal folds through which air passes when producing speech
  9. 22. ______ volume (TV) is the amount of air that normally enters the lungs during quiet breathing
  10. 23. The _____ cartilage is the portion of the larynx composed of a ring of cartilage with a wide posterior region and a thinner anterior region; attached to the esophagus
  11. 24. The respiratory _____ is one sequence of inspiration and expiration
  12. 26. Portion of the pharynx flanked by the nasopharynx, oral cavity, and laryngopharynx that is a passageway for both air and food
  13. 27. The ____ tonsil is the structure composed of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx
  1. 1. The acute ____ sickness (AMS) is a condition that occurs a result of acute exposure to high altitude due to a low partial pressure of oxygen
  2. 2. _______ I alveolar cell are the squamous epithelial cells that are the major cell type in the alveolar wall; highly permeable to gases
  3. 3. The _____ sinus is one of the cavities within the skull that is connected to the conchae that serve to warm and humidify incoming air, produce mucus, and lighten the weight of the skull; consists of frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal sinuses
  4. 4. Pulmonary _____ is the exchange of gases between the lungs and the atmosphere; breathing
  5. 5. Small, grape-like sac that performs gas exchange in the lungs
  6. 6. The respiratory _____ are the varying amounts of air within the lung at a given time
  7. 8. The cardiac ____ is the indentation on the surface of the left lung that allows space for the heart
  8. 9. The ______ reserve volume (IRV) is the amount of air that enters the lungs due to deep inhalation past the tidal volume
  9. 10. (also, exhalation) process that causes the air to leave the lungs
  10. 13. The atmospheric _____ is the amount of force that is exerted by gases in the air surrounding any given surface
  11. 17. The ____ duct is the small tube that leads from the terminal bronchiole to the respiratory bronchiole and is the point of attachment for alveoli
  12. 18. The _____ prominence is the region where the two lamine of the thyroid cartilage join, forming a protrusion known as “Adam’s apple”
  13. 20. Portion of the posterior oral cavity that connects the oral cavity to the oropharynx
  14. 25. Increased rate and depth of ventilation due to an increase in oxygen demand that does not significantly alter blood oxygen or carbon dioxide levels