Respiratory System

  1. 2. acute form of COPD
  2. 5. can be hard or soft
  3. 6. most abundant gas in atmospheric air
  4. 8. pressure that prevents the lungs from collapsing
  5. 10. these cartilages anchor the vocal cords
  6. 13. stimulation from this branch of the ANS causes bronchodilation
  7. 14. where things enter and exit the lung
  8. 16. binds to the iron in hemoglobin
  9. 17. the amount of air in one normal breath
  10. 19. initiates the cough reflex
  11. 20. law that states that pressure is inversely related to volume
  1. 1. describes the process of exhalation
  2. 3. the most important respiratory muscle
  3. 4. prevents food from entering airways when we swallow
  4. 7. bacterial infection that affects lungs
  5. 9. the flat part of the lungs
  6. 11. passageway for air ONLY
  7. 12. this tonsil covers the base of the tongue
  8. 13. air-filled space that gives resonance to our voice
  9. 15. basic structural and functional unit of the respiratory system
  10. 18. another name for the voicebox