Respiratory system

  1. 3. the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal
  2. 4. Very thin tubes that lead to alveolar sacs
  3. 6. Septum Composed of bone and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into right and left parts
  4. 8. Includes the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs
  5. 10. Inflammation of bronchi
  6. 13. Includes the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx
  7. 15. A hollow space behind the nose
  8. 17. inflammation of membranes of the lungs
  9. 21. with oxygen
  10. 22. Respiration The process of oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide production at the cellular level
  11. 23. Supported internally by bone and cartilage, has two nostrils
  12. 27. Walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity
  13. 28. moving of air
  14. 29. Inflammation of mucous membrane
  15. 30. Thinwalled outpouchings that lead to alveoli
  1. 1. Microscopic air sacs clustered at the distal ends
  2. 2. inferiorly and the root of the neck superiorly
  3. 5. A collapses lung
  4. 7. bronchospasms narrow the openings of the bronchioles
  5. 9. Composed of muscle tissue and connective tissue with a covering of mucous membrane extending inward form the lateral walls
  6. 11. Highly contagious viral infection
  7. 12. a nosebleed
  8. 14. without oxygen
  9. 16. infectious lung disease caused by
  10. 18. Usually stands upright and allows air to enter the larynx; during swallowing partially covers the larynx to help prevent foods and liquids from entering the air passage
  11. 19. having to do with lungs
  12. 20. An enlargement in the airway at the top of the trachea and below the oropharynx; conducts air in and out of the trachea and prevents foreign objects from entering the trachea; houses vocal cords
  13. 24. The entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and cells (ventilation, external respiration, gas transport, internal respiration)
  14. 25. Aka throat; behind the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, and the larynx; a passageway for food moving from the oral cavity to the esophagus and for air passing between the nasal cavity and the larynx
  15. 26. inflammation of the voice box and vocal cords
  16. 31. inflammation of nasal mucous membranes
  17. 32. any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways