Respiratory System

  1. 3. passive phase of ventilation
  2. 5. active phase of ventilation
  3. 6. paired cone shaped organs
  4. 8. space between the vocal cords
  5. 10. Primary function of respiratory system
  6. 11. in the mucus this helps kill bacteria
  7. 13. produces ATP
  8. 14. smallest conducting airways
  9. 17. normal alveoli are lined with this
  10. 18. voicebox
  11. 19. windpipe
  12. 20. absent respiration
  1. 1. manner in which air enters exits the lungs
  2. 2. located in the medulla oblongata
  3. 4. fibrous connective tissue builds up in lungs
  4. 7. filters,warms,moistens air
  5. 9. only about 500ml of air moves in and out
  6. 12. maximum volume being moved in and out
  7. 15. funnel shaped passageway
  8. 16. faster than normal respiration