Respiratory system

  1. 3. 2nd leading cause of death in cancers
  2. 4. incomplete bladder emptying
  3. 6. there are this many stages in prostate cancer
  4. 9. common infection of reproduction tract
  5. 11. aggressive antibiotics
  6. 12. arises from sexually transmitted diseases
  7. 13. causes adhesion's and obstruction
  8. 14. located just below the bladder and surrounds the top portion of the tube that drains urine from the bladder
  1. 1. a treatment of bph
  2. 2. considered infertile after one year of unprotected intercourse fails to produce a pregnacy
  3. 4. prostate cancer treatment
  4. 5. cyst a fibrous sac containing old brown blood
  5. 7. a short term pelvic cancer
  6. 8. tenderness during pelvic exams
  7. 10. obstruction of Fallopian tubes