- 2. muscular partition separating thorax from abdomen
- 8. respiration exchange of gases between external environment
- 9. cavity space inside nose
- 12. air sacs in lungs
- 13. a breath,intake of oxygen
- 16. part of larynx consisting vocal cords
- 19. flap of cartilage at root of tongue
- 23. structures made of bone inside nose
- 25. 2 small masses in throat on each side of tongue
- 1. branches inside the lungs divides into bronchus
- 3. ventilation process of air flowing in lungs
- 4. hollow tube inside neck, starts behind nose
- 5. respiration exhcnage of gases between cells in the body
- 6. large tube extends from larynx to bronciole tubes
- 7. septum dividing wall down nose
- 10. pair of organs in chest,supplies O2
- 11. area between lungs
- 14. roof of mouth separating nose/mouth
- 15. palate fleshy part toward back of mouth
- 17. contains nostrils for breathing
- 18. cords folds of membrane tissue,speak/sound
- 20. hollow organ forming air passage
- 21. large air passages,lead trachea to lungs
- 22. 2 external openings of nasal cavity
- 24. palate bony front part of palate