Respiratory System

  1. 2. Closes off the larynx when swallowing
  2. 3. When pleura becomes inflamed
  3. 5. Actual site of gas exchanges
  4. 7. Large airway that leads from trachea to a lung
  5. 10. Upper part of throat
  6. 11. Reinforces the trachea
  7. 12. Opening between vocal folds
  8. 13. Food passageway
  9. 14. Major nerve stimulates the diaphragm
  10. 17. Where air enters the nasal cavity
  11. 19. Passage way common to the respiratory system
  12. 20. Smallest conducting respiratory passageways
  1. 1. Inflammation of the sinuses
  2. 4. Forms an air passage way to the lungs
  3. 6. Inflammation of the larynx
  4. 8. Separates the oral and nasal cavities
  5. 9. Windpipe
  6. 15. Fleshy lobes in the nasal cavity
  7. 16. Clusters of lymphatic tissue
  8. 18. Largest cartilage in the larynx