Respiratory System

  1. 4. the point at which lactate accumulation exceeds the rate at which the body can get rid of lactate
  2. 5. end product of the anaerobic glycolytic system
  3. 6. component of EPOC that involves the removal of lactic acid
  4. 7. how many seconds does the ATP-PC system last?
  5. 10. exercise without oxygen
  6. 11. a factor that can impact how much lactate someone produces
  1. 1. the process of breaking down fats in the krebs cycle
  2. 2. an activity a basketball player would use the ATP-PC system for
  3. 3. gas produced as part of the krebs cycle
  4. 8. how many minutes for the ATP-PC system recover?
  5. 9. hydrogen ions combine with this in the electron transport chain