Respiratory System

  1. 3. exhaling out of the lungs
  2. 6. smallest divisions of the bronchial tree
  3. 7. a passage way for food and liquid into the digestive system
  4. 8. the windpipe
  5. 9. notch in the lung where bronchi and vessels enter
  6. 12. branching of the bronchus after entering the respective lung
  7. 13. voice box
  8. 16. pockets in the facial bones
  9. 17. a ridge at the lower of the the trachea, separating the openings of the two bronchi
  1. 1. clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchial tree
  2. 2. main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs
  3. 3. leaf structure that opens and closes over the glottis during swallowing
  4. 4. separates the mouths from the nasal cavity
  5. 5. breathing air into the lungs
  6. 7. the lining encasing the lungs
  7. 10. division of lungs
  8. 11. where blood and air meet
  9. 14. interval between the two vocal cords
  10. 15. chief muscle of respiration