Respiratory System

  1. 2. A part of the respiratory system hat allows us to speak
  2. 5. a problem a lot of people get from smoking
  3. 6. allows air to enter your body, filters debris, and warms/moistens the air
  4. 8. largest organ of the respiratory system that takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  5. 10. carries oxygen rich air into the lungs
  1. 1. muscle that contracts and flattens when you inhale.This creates a vacuum affect that pulls the air to the lungs
  2. 3. the system that works with the respiratory system
  3. 4. another place where the body takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  4. 7. medical condition involved with the respiratory system where you have trouble breathing
  5. 9. Air passage to the lungs that holds the vocal cords