Respiratory system

  1. 2. gas exchange b/w the air and the blood b/w blood and cells of body
  2. 3. nonmusical discontinuous popping sounds
  3. 6. volume volume of air inspired and expired with each breath during normal breathing
  4. 7. movement of air in and out of the airways
  5. 9. decrease oxygen supply to the tissues and cells
  6. 10. shortness of breath when lying flat
  7. 12. high-pitched whistling sound
  8. 13. shortness of breath or uncomfortable breathing
  1. 1. temporary cessation of breathing
  2. 4. deep low pitched snoring sound
  3. 5. continuous high-pitched musical sound
  4. 8. abnormally rapid respirations
  5. 9. decrease arterial oxygen tension in the blood
  6. 11. expectoration of blood from the respiratory tract