Respiratory System

  1. 1. , a life supporting gas
  2. 5. , a hollow tube that lets air pass from your throat to your lungs
  3. 6. , the major muscle in the respiratory system that contracts
  4. 10. , to breathe air in
  5. 11. , tubes of airways that let air in and out of your lungs
  6. 12. , a pair of organs in your chest that supplies oxygen
  7. 13. , to inhale/exhale air in and out of the lungs
  8. 16. , a breathing problem where airways in the lungs get swollen, smaller and filled with mucus
  9. 17. Dioxide - a colorless gas which is a waste your body produces
  1. 2. , a small movable 'lid' just above the larynx that prevents food and drink from entering
  2. 3. , tiny tubes that transport air
  3. 4. , a hollow tube in the neck that starts behind the nose
  4. 7. , tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchiles which transport gas
  5. 8. , a small slender hair-like structure present on cells
  6. 9. Capacity , the volume of air in your lungs
  7. 14. , to breathe air out
  8. 15. , the airway that leads to the larynx to the bronchi