Respiratory System

  1. 4. - air sacs in the lungs
  2. 5. - are the largest organs that occupy the chest cavity
  3. 10. - air enters into the nostrils or
  4. 12. - interior walls are cover in this substance
  5. 13. - Bones extend down through the nasal cavity
  6. 14. - also called windpipe
  7. 15. - are air-filled cavities
  1. 1. - small openings the alveolar walls
  2. 2. - top of the larynx is a flap of cartilage
  3. 3. - are composed of two slippery , serous membranes
  4. 6. - roof of the mouth which separates the nasal cavity from mouth
  5. 7. - central area of thoracic cavity home of the heart, great blood vessels, trachea , esophagus,thoracic duct , thymus gland and other structures .
  6. 8. - cluster of lymphatic tissue first line of defense against infection
  7. 9. -the muscular passageway that extends from nasal cavity
  8. 11. - also known as the voice box air and food passageways