Respiratory System

  1. 7. air sac in the lungs
  2. 11. amount of air remaining in lungs after force expiration
  3. 14. opening on the lung's medial surface through which primary bronchi and pulmonary blood vessels pass
  4. 15. lipoprotein secreted by alveolar cells that decreases surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli permitting expansion
  5. 16. link between the microbiota of the gut and that of the lung that influences health
  6. 19. portion of the respiratory tract that carries air through the neck and upper chest
  7. 22. serous membrane covering the lungs and the thoracic cavity
  8. 23. the uppermost cartilage of the larynx that closes during swallowing to direct food and liquids to the esophagus
  9. 24. the pressure between the visceral and parietal pluerae which assists with lung expansion
  10. 25. the movement of air into and out of the lungs
  11. 27. the number of oxygen molecules bound to hemoglobin at any one time
  12. 30. cartilaginous ride situated where the trachea divides into two bronchi
  13. 31. air that normally remains in conducting airways during respiration
  14. 32. potential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae
  15. 33. part of the pharynx residing between the soft palate and the base of the tongue
  16. 34. part of the pharynx that passes dorsal to the larynx and connects to the esophagus
  1. 1. the amount of air inhaled and exhaled during quiet breathing
  2. 2. membrane consisting of alveolar epithelium and capillary epithelium across which gas exchange occurs
  3. 3. combination of hemoglobin with oxygen
  4. 4. the maximum amount of air the lungs can contain; vital capacity plus residual volume
  5. 5. the amount of air inhaled using maximum effort after a normal inspiration
  6. 6. the contribution of a single gas in a mixture of gases toward the total pressure of the gas mixture
  7. 8. structure made of cartilage and muscle at the upper end of the trachea that is part of the airway and vocal apparatus
  8. 9. the amount of air that can be exhaled after normal expiration using maximum effort
  9. 10. the balance between the amount of air flowing into the alveolus with the flow of blood through the capillaries
  10. 12. includes all air in the conducting airways plus the air in the alveoli that are poorly perfused
  11. 13. one of the smaller subdivisions of the bronchial tubes
  12. 17. the amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled with the deepest possible breath
  13. 18. combination of hemoglobin with carbon dioxide
  14. 20. the opening between the vocal cords
  15. 21. clusters of alveoli residing at the termination of alveolar ducts
  16. 26. muscular tube behind the oral and nasal cavities commonly called the throat
  17. 28. the two main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs that serve as passageways for air
  18. 29. upper part of the pharynx extending from the posterior nares to the soft palate
  19. 32. bony structure separating the mouth from the nasal cavity