Respiratory System

  1. 5. the process in which oxygen diffuses into the blood stream from the alveoli
  2. 7. destroys your respiratory protective systems
  3. 12. a poisonous gas that blocks the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. 13. contains a number of compounds that have been shown to cause cancer
  5. 15. tiny air sacs at the end of bronchioles
  6. 17. a flap of tissue that covers the trachea
  7. 18. performs as a passageway for both air and food, aka the throat
  8. 20. the smallest subdivision of the bronchus
  9. 22. The lungs are sealed in two sacs called _________
  10. 24. two large passageways in the chest cavity
  1. 1. a large flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity
  2. 2. collects dust and moistens air
  3. 3. the loss of elasticity in tissues in the lungs
  4. 4. in __________ the bronchi become swollen and clogged with mucus
  5. 6. stimulant drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure
  6. 8. pink, spongy organs in your chest
  7. 9. takes in air
  8. 10. the function of the _________ is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide using blood,the air, and tissues
  9. 11. the part of the brain that controls breathing
  10. 14. increases the oxygen carrying capacity
  11. 16. a disease you can get from smoking that dangerously spreads
  12. 19. aka the windpipe
  13. 21. the _______ sweeps the dust and mucus up toward the pharynx
  14. 23. contains vocal chords