- 3. keeps trachea stiff so it doesn't collapse
- 5. general term for lack of oxygen in the tissues
- 9. airway that leads to the bronchi (windpipe)
- 10. inflammation of the respiratory tract
- 13. _____________ respiration occurs between air and lungs
- 14. main muscle involved in breathing
- 15. small air sacs where gas exchange occurs in the lungs
- 16. _____________ respiration occurs between blood and body tissues
- 1. part of your brain that controls respiration
- 2. a tool used to measure lung capacity
- 4. childhood disease known as whooping cough
- 6. space at the back of the mouth and nose
- 7. genetic disorder, mucus builds up in the lungs
- 8. also known as your "voice box"
- 11. ______________ respiration occurs in the mitochondria
- 12. when breathing stops during sleep
- 13. flap that closes during swallowing