Respiratory System

  1. 4. small blood vessels in the lungs where carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange occurs
  2. 6. fluid necessary for reduction of friction between the lungs and cavity
  3. 7. voice box
  4. 9. lid-like structure that covers windpipe during swallowing to prevent choking
  5. 10. trachea divides in 2
  6. 11. movement of air into the airway
  1. 1. series of branching tubes in the lungs that transport air
  2. 2. large flat muscle connected to the ribs at the bottom of the thoracic cavity
  3. 3. windpipe, rigid tube about 5 inches long surrounded by cartilaginous rings
  4. 5. site of gas exchange, small air sacs at the terminal end of the lung bronchioles
  5. 8. take in oxygen, rid body of carbon dioxide