Respiratory system

  1. 3. A tubular passageway for air to the lungs only.
  2. 4. Inferior portion of pharynx
  3. 5. (voice box) Connects the laryngopharynx to the Trachea
  4. 6. The right and left primary bronchi enter the hilum of each corresponding lung.
  5. 10. The most superior portion of the pharynx
  6. 11. The portion of the nose that is visible on the face and the supporting framework of bone and hyaline cartilage.
  1. 1. Intermediate portion of the pharynx
  2. 2. Funnel shaped tube that starts at the internal nares and extends to the level of the cricoid cartilage, the most inferior cartilage of the larynx
  3. 7. Large space in the anterior aspect of the skull that lies inferior to the nasal bone and superior to the oral cavity (mouth).
  4. 8. Two cone-shaped organs, They lie within the thoracic cavity.
  5. 9. It is the most superior portion of the upper respiratory tract and is comprised of two portions