Respiratory System

  1. 2. Tubes that lead to alveoli
  2. 3. Do this maneuver when someone is choking
  3. 7. a long-term condition that affects the airways in the lungs
  4. 8. Carries air in and out of lungs
  5. 9. asthma death rate (rounded)
  6. 10. dispenses medication called a bronchodilator, which expands or dilates the airways, making it easier to breathe
  1. 1. Used to bring air into the body
  2. 4. takes in oxygen and gets rid of CO2
  3. 5. Having severe difficulty breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air
  4. 6. one of the most important steps when dealing with an emergency
  5. 7. Tiny air sacs where the exchange of O2 and CO2 occurs