Respiratory System

  1. 2. used to treat asthma symptoms during an asthma attack
  2. 4. flap of tissue located above the larynx
  3. 7. a muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity
  4. 10. alveoli are thin-walled air sacs covered with this
  5. 12. inflammation of the bronchi
  6. 13. throat
  7. 14. as you exhale your chest cavity does this
  8. 15. as you inhale your chest cavity does this
  9. 20. main airways that reach into your lung
  10. 21. your respiratory system removes this from your body and provides it with fresh oxygen
  11. 22. the lungs are found within this
  1. 1. damages all parts of the respiratory system
  2. 3. inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed
  3. 5. inflammation of the lungs commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection
  4. 6. a network of tubes
  5. 8. at the end of each bronchiole and are microscopic air sacs
  6. 9. hair like structures
  7. 11. disease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveoli
  8. 16. inflammation of the sinuses
  9. 17. voice box
  10. 18. contagious bacterial infection, can be inactive for years and become active again
  11. 19. windpipe