Respiratory System

  1. 3. fungi used in wine industries.
  2. 6. type of respiration done in absence of oxygen
  3. 7. 6 carbon molecule structure
  4. 8. main organ for respiration
  5. 13. bronchi divide into___
  6. 14. also called voice box.
  7. 15. protect lungs.
  8. 17. doctor of respiratory problems
  9. 18. 3 carbon molecule made by breaking glucose.
  1. 1. break down of pyruvate takes place in
  2. 2. respiratory pigment
  3. 4. vital gas for respiration
  4. 5. accumulation of lactic acid can cause.
  5. 6. energy currency of cell
  6. 9. respiratory organ in aquatic animals
  7. 10. most multicellular organism does __ respiration
  8. 11. exchange of gasses in alveoli takes place by__
  9. 12. sack like structure in lungs
  10. 15. hemoglobin is present in
  11. 16. holes in leaves for exchange of gasses