respiratory system

  1. 5. Type of cancer that begins in the lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain.
  2. 7. A disease characterized by a specific type of inflammation of various tissues of the body. It usually starts in the lungs, but it can start in almost any body organ. Microscopic lumps of a specific form of inflammation, called granulomas, appear in the affected tissues.
  3. 8. Chronic inflammation disease of airway that is characterized by increased responsiveness of tracheobronchial tree to a multiplicity of stimuli.
  4. 9. Permanent obstruction of the airways that occurs in varying degrees. It is most commonly caused by tobacco abuse mainly in the form of primary cigarette smoking. (shortcut)
  5. 10. A highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics.
  1. 1. An infection that affects one or both lungs. It causes the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
  2. 2. A lung condition that causes shortness of breath. Over time, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and rupture — creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones. This reduces the surface area of the lungs and, in turn, the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream.
  3. 3. A condition that develops when the airways in the lungs, called bronchial tubes, become inflamed and cause coughing, often with mucus production.
  4. 4. Damage to the walls of the bronchial tubes with loss of the smooth muscle and loss of elasticity of segments of the bronchi.
  5. 6. An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.