Respiratory System

  1. 2. Filters, warms, and moistens air as it travels toward the lungs. Commonly known as the throat, located above the larynx.
  2. 3. Carries the air directly into the lungs. Breaks off into two branches (left and right).
  3. 5. The space between the pleura, two thin membranes that lines and surrounds the lungs. Contains pleural fluid for lubrication during contraction.
  4. 8. Cavity that purifies and humidifies the air breathed in. Located behind the nose and mouth.
  5. 9. Way for air to enter body.
  6. 11. Allows air to pass through but blocks food from entering the trachea.
  1. 1. Creates a vacuum, pulling air into the lungs. When the muscle contracts, air is pulled in; when it relaxes, air is pushed out of the lungs.
  2. 4. Regulates temperature and humidity; and drain mucus to regulate pressure in the nasal cavity. Located below the nasal cavity and the eyes.
  3. 6. A flap in the throat that keeps food from entering the windpipe and the lungs. Attached on top of the larynx to allow air.
  4. 7. Extract oxygen from the air and transfer it to the bloodstream while releasing carbon dioxide. Located in the chest containing the bronchi, alveoli, and many blood vessels.
  5. 10. Carries air to and from the lungs. It connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs.