Respiratory system

  1. 2. fine hairs
  2. 4. combining form for bronchial tubes
  3. 5. clearing secretions of the throat or lungs by coughing
  4. 6. another name for a nose bleed
  5. 9. acute viral infection of infants and children
  6. 11. alveol/o
  7. 12. combining for meaning adenoids
  8. 13. pector/o
  9. 14. each lung is covered by a double layered membrane called this
  10. 16. slit like opening to the larynx
  11. 18. cyan/o
  12. 20. another name for a runny nose
  13. 21. leads to a separate lung and divides into smaller tubes like branches of a tree
  14. 22. measures breathing
  15. 25. whooping cough
  16. 26. the space in the center of the chest
  17. 27. first division of the larynx
  18. 28. diaphragm
  19. 29. Inflammation of the sinuses
  1. 1. lack of pulse
  2. 2. capn/o
  3. 3. second division of the larynx
  4. 7. removal of region of a lung
  5. 8. larynx
  6. 10. collection of air in the chest cavity
  7. 15. combining form for straight or upright
  8. 17. prevents choking
  9. 19. third division of the larynx
  10. 23. edema, fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles
  11. 24. coni/o