Respiratory System

  1. 2. Section of the vertebrae column which provides the framework and basis for the respiratory system
  2. 7. the name of the canal, in which when all vertebrae are stacked up, the spinal cord travels through
  3. 8. The only muscle truly needed for inhalation
  4. 10. The spot that remains open for the heart
  5. 11. The side of the lung which is bigger
  6. 13. Located behind the trachea and is almost always collapsed
  7. 15. The superior border of your rib cage
  8. 16. This muscle spans across the chest and is helpful with postural control
  9. 17. The lining of the lungs that is closest to the heart
  10. 19. This muscle helps pull up first rib and clavicle; it descends from behind the ear at the mastoid process
  11. 20. The type of cells that line the trachea and assist in the filtering process
  1. 1. What is irritated during hiccoughs
  2. 3. the name for the first vertebrae in the spinal column
  3. 4. class of ribs connected to sternum
  4. 5. What the trachea is made up of
  5. 6. Chemical operates as a lubricant between pleural linings
  6. 9. A muscle used for exhalation, which is closest to the lungs
  7. 12. The final category of branching in the bronchial tree
  8. 14. Muscle that closes gap at the back of the trachea's rings
  9. 18. Where the trachea splits