Respiratory System

  1. 4. membrane stuck to the thoracic cavity wall
  2. 6. protects trachea from entry of food and liquid
  3. 11. make sound
  4. 13. susceptible to antibiotics
  5. 14. small division of bronchi inside the lungs
  6. 15. prevented by vaccination
  7. 16. taking in oxygen from the environment & releasing carbon dioxide
  8. 19. rolls of tissue that increase surface area inside the nose
  9. 21. diaphragm flexes downward causing air to fill the lungs
  10. 22. gases move through the respiratory system by __________
  11. 23. tubes where trachea divides to go to each lung
  12. 25. contain bronchioles and alveoli; spongy tissue
  1. 1. hard tube that carries air to the lungs
  2. 2. fluid between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura membranes
  3. 3. tiny hair-like structures that whip particles out of the respiratory tract
  4. 5. small bubbles that exchange gases with the blood
  5. 7. moisturizes inhaled air & traps invaders
  6. 8. pre-activates the immune system so that the body can fight the real invader faster
  7. 9. membrane stuck to the lungs
  8. 10. cartlidge that protects the vocal cords
  9. 12. muscle responsible for inhalation & exhalation
  10. 17. diaphragm relaxes upward pushing air out of the lungs
  11. 18. caused by many different viruses, mutates rapidly
  12. 20. back of throat where nose joins mouth
  13. 24. warms and filters inhaled air