Respiratory system

  1. 3. Millions of these in your lungs diffuse oxygen into the blood
  2. 5. Excess waste produced from the breathing process
  3. 8. This allows us to speak, also known as a "voicebox"
  4. 9. these cords are ligaments that vibrate when air pass over them
  5. 10. These organs are responsible for breathing
  6. 11. The lining in your nose to moisten air
  1. 1. Muscle that inflates and deflates lungs
  2. 2. Tube in the throat known as the "windpipe"
  3. 4. Where does the oxygen-rich blood go when it leaves the lungs
  4. 6. The "branches" inside your lungs
  5. 7. Used in cells to burn food and release nutrients