Respiratory System 2022

  1. 2. the ___ respiratory system is responsible for cleaning, humidifying and warming incoming air
  2. 4. opposition to gas flow
  3. 6. comprised of an alveolar epithelial cell, a capillary endothelial cell fused together by a basement membrane
  4. 7. small holes in alveoli that allow air pressure to be equalised between alveoli
  5. 8. the phase of air moving out of the lungs
  6. 9. secreted by type II alveolar epithelial cells
  7. 11. measure of the ability of the lungs/thoracic cavity to stretch
  8. 12. this circulation provides oxygenated blood to all lung tissue (except alveoli)
  9. 13. pulmonary disorder caused by decreased compliance of lungs or thoracic wall
  10. 15. membrane covering the outside of the lungs
  1. 1. when lung volume increases, pressure ___
  2. 3. generates turbulence in incoming air
  3. 5. routes air and food into proper channels
  4. 6. the zone of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs
  5. 10. windpipe, supported by c-shaped cartilage rings
  6. 14. the phase of air moving into the lungs