Respiratory system

  1. 5. membrane protects the lungs, provides a vacuum so that the lungs do not collapse
  2. 6. trachea divides into this,conducts air into the lungs, lined with ciliated epithilium
  3. 7. muscles between the ribs and pleural membrane, allows the person to breath
  4. 8. important muscle in respiration,vital component in the breathing process
  5. 10. made of fibrous and elastic tissue,embedded with rings of cartilage, warms the air
  1. 1. cavity divided by a septum, contains ciliated epithelium, mucus traps particles and dust
  2. 2. passageway for air and food, supports speech, hearing and taste, humidifies air
  3. 3. primary organ in the respiratory system
  4. 4. gas exchange in the lungs takes place here,look like air sacs
  5. 6. cartilage starts to disappear here,controls rate of air with muscle contractions
  6. 9. reflex action closes trachea when swallowing,sound is produced here