Respiratory system

  1. 2. what side of the heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood into the body?
  2. 4. name one component found in blood.
  3. 6. name a function of the respiratory system.
  4. 7. these have thick walls and take blood at high pressure to working organs to provide oxygen.
  5. 10. what does the diaphragm do when you breath out?
  6. 11. have a thinner muscle and take oxygenated blood to the heart and remove waste products.#
  1. 1. what does the diaphragm do when you breath in?
  2. 3. these are once cell thick and exchange of oxygen, co2, salts and water between blood and body tissue
  3. 5. what is the main function of platelets?
  4. 8. what side of the heart is responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood into the body?
  5. 9. what muscle type is fast twitch and is both aerobic and anaerobic