Respiratory System

  1. 4. Large muscle under you lungs that enable breathing.
  2. 5. Tube that the trachea branches into as it goes into your lungs.
  3. 6. On average people breathe 17,000-30,000 times per _____________.
  4. 8. Fluid that lines your respiratory system that keeps it from drying out & traps dust, bacteria & other harmful substances.
  5. 11. On average people breathe 12-20 times per _____________.
  6. 12. Flap of cartilage that covers your trachea when you swallow.
  7. 15. You breathe heavier while exercising to get more of what gas into your body/bloodstream.
  1. 1. Another more common name for trachea.
  2. 2. Connects the nose & mouth to the larynx (also known as the throat).
  3. 3. The respiratory system expels this gas from your body.
  4. 7. Small air sacks inside your lungs.
  5. 9. These tiny hair like structures in your nasal cavity helps trap dust, bacteria & other harmful substances so they don't get into your lungs.
  6. 10. Powerful expelling of air that shoots particles like dust or pollen out of your nose & into the air.
  7. 13. Sits above the trachea and is also known as the voice box.
  8. 14. Number of openings that air can enter into your respiratory system.