Respiratory System

  1. 1. voice box; vibrates and creates sound
  2. 4. top of the trachea, closes it off when needed
  3. 7. that keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt
  4. 10. rings/keeps the throat open and made of cartilage
  5. 12. blood; gas exchange
  6. 13. mucus into the nasal passage
  7. 14. separates nasal passage from the moth cavity and prevents punctures
  8. 15. cage/protects and surrounds the lungs and heart; aids in breathing
  9. 16. muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen
  10. 18. branch off the bronchi and transport air
  11. 20. membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus.
  1. 2. sacs in the lungs; gas exchange
  2. 3. of the lungs (surrounds them)
  3. 5. food
  4. 6. pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest
  5. 8. of the trachea
  6. 9. warms the air, cleans air, and the mucus humidifies air
  7. 11. cavity/houses the heart and lungs
  8. 17. directly to the lungs and branches off; transports air into the lungs
  9. 19. pipeline that transports air