Respiratory System

  1. 3. Parts of the respiratory system that allow gas exchange to occur
  2. 4. Parts of the respiratory system that function to transport air into the respiratory zones
  3. 6. Narrower branches of the lungs that stem from the bronchi
  4. 9. Tiny membrane-bound cavities where simple diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
  1. 1. A small flap of tissue that covers the larynx so that food and drink doesn't enter the airway
  2. 2. Muscles between your ribs that help lift the ribs up and out, helping the lungs expand
  3. 4. Dioxide A gas that diffuses FROM the bloodstream INTO the alveoli to be exhaled
  4. 5. These are what the trachea splits into
  5. 7. Sacs Grape-like clusters found at the ends of each branch inside the lungs. This is where the bulk of the gas exchange occurs
  6. 8. A set of muscles that separates your thorax from your abdomen. Its contraction helps the lungs expand
  7. 10. A gas that diffuses FROM the alveoli INTO the bloodstream after it is inhaled