Respiratory System

  1. 1. to breathe in
  2. 5. this pumps oxygenated blood to your body
  3. 7. the two tubes that the trachea splits into; these attach to lungs
  4. 10. The system of the body that deals with breathing
  5. 11. the nervous system that controls breathing
  6. 12. the muscle that controls the breathing process
  7. 13. The air we inhale is made primarily of this
  8. 14. the two large organs of the respiratory system
  1. 2. to breathe out
  2. 3. The air we exhale is made primarily of this
  3. 4. a protein in blood
  4. 6. another word for windpipe
  5. 8. small blood vessels that are wrapped around alveolies
  6. 9. the thousands of tiny tubes within the lungs