Respiratory System

  1. 1. the tiny little tubes that the air passes through right before it goes into the lungs
  2. 6. where the lungs exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide
  3. 7. the respiratory system provides the body with this
  4. 8. the body has two of these spongy, air filled organs
  5. 9. the respiratory system helps out with this body function
  6. 10. the tiny little flap that closes so food does not go down the larynx
  7. 12. also known as the throat
  1. 2. the respiratory system gets rid of this waste
  2. 3. the major muscle of respiration or breathing
  3. 4. the spot where the vocal cords are located
  4. 5. the beginning of the breathing process
  5. 11. this is also known as the windpipe for the body