Respiratory System

  1. 3. volume of air breathed in/out each minute
  2. 4. alveoli is surrounded by lots of these giving them a large blood supply
  3. 6. before diffusion takes place there is a high concentration of this in your alveoli
  4. 8. the bronchi split into smaller tubes called these
  5. 10. muscles that help air move in and out
  6. 12. where gaseous exchange takes place
  7. 14. acid causes your muscles to fatigue and tire after short periods of vigorous exercise
  8. 16. water is lost as this during exercise
  9. 17. all living cells in your body need this
  1. 1. this structure of the alveoli help gases easily pass through them
  2. 2. exercise with oxygen
  3. 5. sprinters get their energy this way
  4. 7. contracts and expands the chest cavity diring inspiration
  5. 9. carbon dioxide moves from the blood into these so it can be breathed out
  6. 11. amount of air breathed in/out in one breath
  7. 13. the process where gases move down the concentration gradient from a high concentration to a low concentration
  8. 15. finish the equation for anaerobic respiration - glucose = lactic acid + ?