Respiratory System

  1. 2. The volume of air inspired or expired per breath
  2. 4. The nerve connected the diaphragm
  3. 11. The combining of oxygen and haemoglobin
  4. 12. The second helper muscle in inspiration
  5. 14. abdominis The second helper muscle in expiration
  6. 15. The realease of oxygen from haemoglobin
  7. 16. Detect an increase in blood acidity
  8. 18. The number of breaths per minute
  9. 19. Gaseous exchange in the lungs
  10. 20. a control centre which is responsible for respiartory regulation
  1. 1. Detect motor activity
  2. 3. Detect lung inflation
  3. 4. The pressure exerted by a gas
  4. 5. The first helper muscle in inspiration
  5. 6. When oxygen is carried by haemoglobin
  6. 7. Movement of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
  7. 8. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water
  8. 9. intercostals The first helper muscle in expiration
  9. 10. The volume of air inspired or expired per minute
  10. 13. Gaseous exchange in the muscles
  11. 17. Detect an increase in blood temp