Respiratory System

  1. 3. where we air flows (windpipe)
  2. 6. respiration exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the body's tissue and the bloodstream
  3. 8. the process of breathing
  4. 9. respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between lungs and blood steam
  5. 11. after trachea it branches into left and right
  6. 12. exhalation (breathing out)
  7. 13. inhalation (breathing in)
  8. 14. superior part of the throat
  1. 1. inferior part of the throat
  2. 2. also known as the throat
  3. 4. respiration the body's cell use the oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water and carbon dioxide
  4. 5. another term for air sacs
  5. 7. middle part of the throat
  6. 9. a flap in the throat that is open when talking and breathing
  7. 10. the voice box