Respiratory System

  1. 3. section of pharynx attached to the larynx
  2. 5. branches of airway containing cartilage rings
  3. 7. respiration, gas exchange between blood-tissues
  4. 10. gas law that allows us to breathe our atmosphere
  5. 11. respiration gas exchange between alveoli-blood
  6. 15. main breathing muscle, floor of thoracic cavity
  7. 18. prevents alveoli from collapsing
  8. 19. normal quiet breathing
  9. 20. chronic inflammation of bronchial tubes
  10. 22. aka the voice box
  1. 1. small branches of airway, no cartilage rings
  2. 2. structure in lung, sight of external respiration
  3. 4. paired organ of respiration
  4. 6. section of pharynx behind the nose
  5. 8. external openings of this are the nares
  6. 9. cartilage that divides the naval cavity
  7. 12. disorder means blown up or full of air
  8. 13. volume of air moved during eupnea
  9. 14. passes air from nose to larynx
  10. 16. aka windpipe
  11. 17. section of pharynx behind the mouth
  12. 21. deprived of adequate levels oxygen in blood